Mystery Books

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Mystery Authors

Books with tags: Oregon


1 Running Scared Lisa Jackson novels 2010
2 Wicked Game Lisa Jackson Wicked series novels 2009
3 Cold Case Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 2008
4 A Wrongful Death Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 2007
5 The Price of Silence Kate Wilhelm novels 2005
6 Final Scream Lisa Jackson novels 2005
7 Deep Freeze Lisa Jackson novels 2005
8 The Unbidden Truth Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 2004
9 Whispers Lisa Jackson novels 2003
10 Desperate Measures Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 2001
11 No Defense Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 2000
12 Defense for the Devil Kate Wilhelm attorney Barbara Holloway novels 1999
13 The Good Children Kate Wilhelm novels 1998
14 Whispers Lisa Jackson novels 1996
15 Make No Bones Aaron Elkins Gideon Oliver novel 1991