Mystery Books

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Mystery Authors

Books with tags: Texas


1 Holly Blues Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2010
2 Strong Justice Jon Land Caitlin Strong novels 2010
3 Nightshade Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2008
4 Spanish Dagger Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2007
5 Bleeding Hearts Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2006
6 A Dilly of a Death Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2004
7 Indigo Dying Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 2002
8 Echo Burning Lee Child novels 2001
9 Unspoken Lisa Jackson novels 1999
10 Heartwood James Lee Burke Billy Bob Holland novels 1999
11 Lavender Lies Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1999
12 Chile Death Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1998
13 Gone Fishin Walter Mosley Easy Rawlins novel 1997
14 Love Lies Bleeding Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1997
15 Cimarron Rose James Lee Burke Billy Bob Holland novels 1997
16 Rueful Death Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1996
17 Rosemary Remembered Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1995
18 The Red Scream Mary Willis Walker 1995
19 Thyme of Death Susan Wittig Albert The China Bayles Mysteries novel 1992
20 Lay Down My Sword and Shield James Lee Burke Hackberry Holland novels 1971
21 Track Of The Cat Nevada Barr 0